- Festival of the sea Rota Palagružona a regatta of old gajetas in order to maintain the old tradition. The old fishing boats travelling from Komiža to the island of Palagruža
- Regatta various contests in the presence of people from different nations (June)
- Bug Game Fishing (July)
- Fishermen’s night (first Saturday in August) traditional feast in the center of Komiža
- Biševo by night feast on the island of Biševo (August)
- Mediterranean film festival (July)
- Numerous cultural and entertaining events
- Days of carob (September)
- Festival of vocal a capella singers from Omiš (September)
- Stew festival (September)
- Festival of vocal a capella singers from Omiš (September)
- Stew festival (September)
Accommodation prices for 2025
Payent methods
Erste&Steiermärkische Bank
Account owner
Dalka Zanki
Put Norpine 6
21485 Komiža
Payment is EUR
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4627653952165471
IBAN: HR9224020063104361928